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Aide humanitaire: 400 tonnes de nourriture en route vers la bande de Gaza

Un convoi de trois navires a quitté samedi un port de Chypre, apportant 400 tonnes de nourriture et d'autres approvisionnements vers la bande Gaza menacée par la famine.

A ship belonging to the Open Arms aid group, left, one of the three ships loaded with canned food destined for Gaza, sails from the Cypriot port as a French warship is seen at the right, in Larnaca, Cyprus, on Saturday, March 30, 2024. A three-ship convoy has left a port in Cyprus to deliver 400 tons of food and other supplies to Gaza as concerns about hunger there soar. World Central Kitchen says the vessels and a barge are carrying ready-to-eat items that are enough to prepare more than 1 million meals. (AP Photo/Petros Karadjias)

Un convoi de trois navires a quitté samedi un port de Chypre, apportant 400 tonnes de nourriture et d'autres approvisionnements vers la bande Gaza menacée par la famine.