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Soccer féminin: le Tribunal arbitral du Sport entendra la cause du Canada

«Le franc jeu, c'est probablement la première chose que j'ai apprise à l'école au sujet des Jeux olympiques.»

<p>Slotted in a valley along the hilly neighbourhoods on the outskirts of this small French city sits a modest two-field soccer complex that became the controversy epicentre for a reeling Canada Soccer program. Members of Canada's women's soccer team train at Stade Auguste Dury in Saint-Etienne, France on Saturday, July 27, 2024. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Greg Strong</p>
<p>Slotted in a valley along the hilly neighbourhoods on the outskirts of this small French city sits a modest two-field soccer complex that became the controversy epicentre for a reeling Canada Soccer program. Members of Canada's women's soccer team train at Stade Auguste Dury in Saint-Etienne, France on Saturday, July 27, 2024. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Greg Strong</p>

Niché dans une vallée le long des quartiers vallonnés en périphérie de cette petite ville française se trouve un modeste complexe sportif de deux terrains de soccer qui est devenu l'épicentre de la controverse entourant le programme féminin de Soccer Canada.