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La mystérieuse épave apparue au large de Terre-Neuve daterait du 19e siècle

Jamie Brake a visité samedi l'épave du navire en bois au large de la pointe sud-ouest de l'île de Terre-Neuve, où il a prélevé des échantillons et tourné des images des vestiges en piteux état.

The massive, overturned hull of a seemingly ancient ship has appeared without warning along Newfoundland's southwestern tip as shown in a handout image provided by Corey Purchase. Newfoundland and Labrador's provincial archeologist says a shipwreck that appeared near Cape Ray, N.L., may not reveal much that's not already known about the province's seafaring history. THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO-Corey Purchase **MANDATORY CREDIT**
The massive, overturned hull of a seemingly ancient ship has appeared without warning along Newfoundland's southwestern tip as shown in a handout image provided by Corey Purchase. Newfoundland and Labrador's provincial archeologist says a shipwreck that appeared near Cape Ray, N.L., may not reveal much that's not already known about the province's seafaring history. THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO-Corey Purchase **MANDATORY CREDIT**

L'archéologue provincial de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador affirme que l'épave apparue en janvier près de Cape Ray pourrait ne pas révéler grand-chose que l'on sache déjà sur l'histoire maritime de l'île.