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Les partis d'opposition en France tentent de tisser rapidement des alliances

Les partis d’opposition à gauche comme à droite s'efforcent dans l'urgence de former des alliances.

Jordan Bardella, president of the far-right National Rally, leaves the party headquarters, Monday, June 10, 2024 in Paris. French President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the lower house of France's parliament in a surprise announcement sending voters back to the polls in the coming weeks to choose lawmakers, after his party was handed a humbling defeat by the far-right in the European elections Sunday. (AP Photo/Thomas Padilla)
Jordan Bardella, president of the far-right National Rally, leaves the party headquarters, Monday, June 10, 2024 in Paris. French President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the lower house of France's parliament in a surprise announcement sending voters back to the polls in the coming weeks to choose lawmakers, after his party was handed a humbling defeat by the far-right in the European elections Sunday. (AP Photo/Thomas Padilla)

Fort d'une victoire éclatante aux élections européennes, le Rassemblement national, parti d'extrême droite en France, s'est lancé mardi dans la campagne électorale nationale avec son leader vedette, Jordan Bardella, promettant à ses partisans de «bâtir la majorité la plus large possible».