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Des événements marquent les huit ans de l'attentat à la mosquée de Québec

«On dirait que les gens commencent à oublier.»

<p>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau alongside Mohamed Labidi, president of the Islamic Cultural Centre, meet with the families of the victims of the Quebec City mosque attack at the Islamic Cultural Centre in Quebec City, Saturday, January 25, 2025. On Jan. 29, 2017 a gunman killed six men and injured 19 others at the mosque. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jacques Boissinot</p>
<p>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau alongside Mohamed Labidi, president of the Islamic Cultural Centre, meet with the families of the victims of the Quebec City mosque attack at the Islamic Cultural Centre in Quebec City, Saturday, January 25, 2025. On Jan. 29, 2017 a gunman killed six men and injured 19 others at the mosque. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jacques Boissinot</p>

Il y a huit ans, un homme armé a fait irruption au Centre culturel islamique de Québec et a tué six musulmans venus prier.