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Un jeune de 13 ans est le premier à battre le jeu vidéo Tetris

Willis Gibson, un Américain, est arrivé au «kill screen».

In this image taken from video, 13-year-old player named Willis Gibson plays a game of Tetris. Gibson, who in late December became the first player to officially “beat” the original Nintendo version of the game. By breaking it, of course. Technically, Gibson — aka “blue scuti” in the gaming world — made it to what gamers call a “kill screen,” a point where the Tetris code glitches, crashing the game. (Willis Gibson via AP)
In this image taken from video, 13-year-old player named Willis Gibson plays a game of Tetris. Gibson, who in late December became the first player to officially “beat” the original Nintendo version of the game. By breaking it, of course. Technically, Gibson — aka “blue scuti” in the gaming world — made it to what gamers call a “kill screen,” a point where the Tetris code glitches, crashing the game. (Willis Gibson via AP)

 Le jeu vidéo Tetris, caractérisé par des blocs qui tombent, a trouvé son égal chez Willis Gibson, un Américain de 13 ans, qui est devenu le premier joueur à «battre» officiellement la version originale du jeu de Nintendo – en la «brisant».