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Le typhon Gaemi a touché terre en Chine

Le typhon Gaemi a traversé le Pacifique occidental, intensifiant les pluies saisonnières en début de semaine.

In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, huge waves lash the shore ahead of landfall by Typhoon Gaemi in Sansha Township of Xiapu County, southeast China's Fujian Province, Thursday July 25, 2024. After hitting Philippines and Taiwan, the storm's effects were expected to continue into Friday as it moved in a northwestern direction toward mainland China. In Fujian province on China's east coast, ferry routes were suspended on Wednesday and all train service will be halted on Thursday, China's official Xinhua News Agency said. (Jiang Kehong/Xinhua via AP)

Un puissant typhon a touché terre jeudi soir, heure locale, sur la côte sud-est de la Chine après avoir balayé Taïwan,où il a provoqué des glissements de terrain et des inondations dans les zones basses et fait trois morts.