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Entraîneurs accusés : une firme externe examinera le cas de l'école Saint-Laurent

Daniel Lacasse, 43, left to right, Charles-Xavier Boislard, 43, and Robert Luu, 31, are seen in a composite of three police handout photos. Montreal police say they are looking for other possible victims after three high school coaches at Ecole Saint-Laurent, a St-Laurent borough high school, were arrested this week on sex crime charges. THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO-Police Service of Montreal, *MANDATORY CREDIT*
Daniel Lacasse, 43, left to right, Charles-Xavier Boislard, 43, and Robert Luu, 31, are seen in a composite of three police handout photos. Montreal police say they are looking for other possible victims after three high school coaches at Ecole Saint-Laurent, a St-Laurent borough high school, were arrested this week on sex crime charges. THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO-Police Service of Montreal, *MANDATORY CREDIT*

À la suite de l'arrestation de trois entraîneurs sportifs de l'école secondaire Saint-Laurent, à Montréal, le Centre de services scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys (CSSMB) a annoncé lundi avoir mandaté des experts afin de faire la lumière sur le «climat de travail et ces événements relatés».